life coaches and coffee shop creeping


I’ve been spending way too much time at coffee shops lately.  Iced Dirty Chai with Almond Milk and 3 Sugars in the Raw is my jam.  I’ve been trying to cut down on the baked goods, I’m currently only allowing myself two a week.  The struggle is real, but I feel like my ass is growing wobbly in ways that I’m just not okay with.

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>There’s a life coach here meeting with clients back to back and I feel like I could do this job</p>&mdash; Meredith Hope (@MidwestMere) <a href=”″>October 13, 2016</a></blockquote>

Every Thursday, the life coach comes into my preferred shop and spends her day meeting clients back to back.  1) I totally think I could handle being a life coach.  2) I’ve been totally stealing some of the discussion points/homework that the life coach has been giving and doing them myself.

There’s one client who I’m totally connecting with.  She’s overwhelmed by all her bills and has no idea what she wants to do for work, her life, anything.  So the life coach give her this assignment: think of the 4 things that define you (travel, food, volunteering, fitness, whatever).  Talk to the people that love you the most (your mom, your bestie, etc, up to 10 people) and have them also write down the 4 things that they think define you.  Find the 4things that are the most common, and come up with a plan to focus on them.

OMG I’m totally doing this tonight.  Why are we trying to be perfect in so many areas that we get stressed out and are only mediocre, and thus disappointed in ourselves, when we could find four things and thrive at them?

PS 2 of the client’s things were travel and volunteering, and she’s been wanting to go back to Southeast Asia to teach ESL, so she and the coach are coming up with a 12 month plan to get her there.


postive thoughts go here